Public Speaker. Debater. Writer.
Subboor focuses on engaging with New Atheism and has also travelled extensively across the globe teaching Muslims how to articulate Islam to non-Muslims.
Public Debates
Subboor has debated prominent academics on philosophy and science. Here are some of his famous debates that caught the attention of the public.

Stand With Uyghurs ✊🏻
The Chinese government has imprisoned more than one million Uyghur Muslims since 2017 and subjected those not detained to intense surveillance, religious restrictions, and forced sterilizations.
Subboor has given numerous talks around the world on around the subject of Atheism, Faith and Islam. Especially, how Muslims should articulate Islam to non-Muslims.
Do Scientific Theories Give Us the Literal Truth, or Are They Merely Useful Instruments for Making Predictions?
Introduction Science works. When one makes a prediction using a well established scientific theory it gets confirmed by observation. A…
Can Evolutionary Theory Can Explain in Purely Natural Terms Why We Have the Moral Beliefs That We Do?
I am going to argue that evolutionary theory can explain morality in natural terms and this motivates the anti realist…
Morality, Nature and Evolution
Did Evolution Make Us Into Psychological Egoists? I will be making the case that there is no reason to suppose…
Should we want to form true beliefs?
Abstract: Miriam Schleifer McCormick argues that we should want to form true beliefs only because of the instrumental value they…
Should Methodological Adaptationism be Replaced?
Abstract: Elizabeth Lloyd has objected to Methodological Adaptationism (MA) on the grounds that it misleads Science, so she is trying to motivate…
Was Darwin a racist?
By Abdur Rahman This is a response to AronRa’s video “Racial Darwinism”. My intention is not to just refute him…