Do Scientific Theories Give Us the Literal Truth, or Are They Merely Useful Instruments for Making Predictions?
Introduction Science works. When one makes a prediction using a well established scientific theory it gets confirmed by observation. A…
Can Evolutionary Theory Can Explain in Purely Natural Terms Why We Have the Moral Beliefs That We Do?
I am going to argue that evolutionary theory can explain morality in natural terms and this motivates the anti realist…
Morality, Nature and Evolution
Did Evolution Make Us Into Psychological Egoists? I will be making the case that there is no reason to suppose…
Should we want to form true beliefs?
Abstract: Miriam Schleifer McCormick argues that we should want to form true beliefs only because of the instrumental value they…
Should Methodological Adaptationism be Replaced?
Abstract: Elizabeth Lloyd has objected to Methodological Adaptationism (MA) on the grounds that it misleads Science, so she is trying to motivate…
Was Darwin a racist?
By Abdur Rahman This is a response to AronRa’s video “Racial Darwinism”. My intention is not to just refute him…
God, Evolution and Darwinism
“It is beyond doubt that the Darwin was right! Evolution created us – not God.” exclaims the speaker. The packed lecture…
Evolution Lends No Weight To Atheism
Darwinian Delusions Part 1 | Part 2 Part 3: Does Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Lead to Atheism? This short series probes the…
Darwin’s biggest critics are evolutionary biologists
Darwinian Delusions Part 1 | Part 3 Part 2: Is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution fact? This short series probes the differences in…
Qur’an vs Science – whose side are you on?
Darwinian Delusions Part 2 | Part 3 Part 1: Should you reinterpret Islam to fit science? Over the years there have been…
Defending Darwin from Hoodbhoy – Response to ‘Corona — our debt to Darwin’
News of a heart-warming exchange between a Pakistani air traffic controller and Air India made headlines this week. Indian news…